Guadalupe Days

Gentle readers,
The last few weeks have drained my writing creativity, so I have turned to the visual arts to share some candids of days on my beloved Guad.

Last week, friend and guide Chris Johnson and I ventured out for a float down the river. It was a great time, and as most memorable times in the outdoors are, there was the occasional character building moment.

Suffice it to say that it is indeed possible to fall out of a raft, though it takes considerable grace and skill to do so without losing one's hat,sunglasses, or sense of humor. Additionally, borrowed waders never leak in the foot, but at the crotch, and then only if the water temperature is around 52F.

Fish were caught, memories made, and awe of God's creation was renewed. All in all, a success story in my book.

Tight Lines...


tdillow said…
Oh the stories that river could tell. Thanks for sharing. I love you! ;)
Steph said…
Gotta come by and watch this one every now and then. Looks so fun. :) Maybe one of these days I'll sport some waders and learn to fly fish. Maybe...
Mark said…
We can get you started in the summer when you don't need the waders...Tammy's not a big fan of cold water fishing wither.
Dash said…
Great video! I recognized some of those spots on the river.
Mark said…
Thanks Dash...I hope to see you on the river over the holidays!

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